5E Resources for Game Masters
One of the oldest and popular of table top games, the Fifth Edition of D&D is a great choice to play fantastic stories and legends. It mainly supports high-fantasy gaming although you can use the system to run a wide variety of settings and themes. The simplest and freely available resource to begin with the 5E system is the Basic D&D Rules which can be found here. Any gaming store in your area should have plenty of books and products for playing should you decide to invest in the game. If you would like to check for product from local stores through an online storefront or you can try searching on CrystalCommerce.
We host pages for adventures, charts and tables, player options, and more. Our content for Fifth Edition is found below for each of the various categories of game resource. There is also a list available which contains a wide array of high-quality free resources for playing the game. If you enjoy the game material found freely in that list please consider supporting their creators. Encouraging and growing the hobby is a task we must all contribute to. Whenever possible purchase paid material or give financial support to the creators who make content you enjoy with your gaming group.
Resources for playing Fifth Edition freely.
The basic Fifth Edition ruleset, found as an online compendium on DND Beyond: Find it here
A search of DM's Guild storefront for free and pay what you want content: Open search in new tab
Simple, free, and mobile friendly online VTT (Virtual table top) to play with friends: Check out Owlbear Rodeo
Find amazing maps and tokens: Try 2-Minute Tabletop if you like the free content consider their Patreon